Peer Playmates do not have goals but they are in the group as willing participants and help play along during group games and other interactive activities. Peer Playmates are expected to be able to follow directions fairly consistently and model appropriate social skills and play skills for the other kids.
Groups consist of 3-5 children which will arranged by our therapists to meet the needs of each individual. Peer Playmates will be grouped according to age/skill level of other participants.
Therapy sessions include activities to
Outdoor group sessions are 90 minutes each and will be held in a local park/recreation area.
You can pay per session if you are signed up for OT services or as a Peer Playmate as an "à la carte" service, otherwise at least one month is required at a time. Package deals include a discounted rate. Outdoor packets are included with package pricing only.
Because our services are focused on group dynamics, having children coming/going from groups frequently makes it hard for the children to get comfortable around each other, we do not allow week-by-week enrollment, unless it is for a summer camp type program.