You’ve Had A Stroke…Now What??

You’ve Had A Stroke…
Now What??

At Inland Therapy Pathways we’re here to help you navigate the difficult road of stroke recovery.

Call Today For A Free Consultation

  • Work with a Certified Stroke Rehabilitation Specialist with over 7 years of experience to address the goals and function YOU want!

Why work with us?

Experienced Therapist

Work with a Certified Stroke Rehab Specialist (CSRS) with over 8 years of working with patients with stroke.

Current Openings

We are accepting new patients at this time. We can get you in quickly and work with your schedule.

Time WITH Your Therapist

Spend time with your therapist working on the goals YOU help set.

“You’ve had a stroke” are four words that no one ever wants to hear, yet it happens every day.
One minute you’re living a typical, day-to-day life and the next you’re thrown into a world full of unknowns, unwanted side effects, and “it depends”.
It’s likely you’ve been told things by doctors, nurses, therapists, friends, neighbors…everyone…that contradicts what everyone else has told you.
Someone will always tell you about “this one guy that so-and-so knows” that had a stroke and fared well…or didn’t…
You’re trying to sift through all the information you’re given while also trying to figure out how to manage day to day activities, like getting dressed on your own, getting your hand to hold onto your cup and not drop it on your lap.
You’ve probably had questions such, “Will I ever be able to live a normal life again?” or “Am I going to have to live in a nursing home?”
“Will I ever be able to drive again?”
“Will I get the use of my arm back?”
You probably have more questions than you’re getting answers to.
And some of the answers you DO get are discouraging.
“What you have after 6 months is all you’ll get back.”
“You’ll never walk again.”
“You can’t go home. You can’t live alone.”
If you spent time in the hospital or inpatient rehab, you may have gotten the ball rolling with progress, but now that you’re home you feel stuck and like things have come to a grinding halt. You may be wondering if you’ll ever make any more progress, or if “adapting” is your only option.
If you’ve experienced any of these feelings, questions, or frustrations, we want to help!

Ready to schedule your free consultation? Contact us today!

 With over 8 years of working specifically with stroke patients, both in inpatient rehab and in outpatient, I have helped hundreds of stroke survivors with their recovery. I know you’re not a number. You’re not a cookie cutter replica of the last stroke patient I saw. 

You are unique and I tailor our sessions to help YOU with regaining the function that is most important to YOU.

No checkboxes. No “copy and paste” treatments. 

 Love to golf? We’ll address that. Love playing the guitar? We’ll work on that. Want to hold your grandchildren again and give them a big hug again? We will work on that. What’s important to you is what drives our therapy sessions. Because WHO YOU ARE matters, and what’s important to YOU is more motivating than any exercise from any therapist. 

My goal is to help you identify ways to make those important things happen

To point you in the right direction and get you on the path you want to be on

Even identifying that path can be hard after a stroke, but we’ll work together to clear the way.

 Because I want you to function the way YOU want to function. To DO the things you want to do. To SEE the places you want to see. To HAVE the opportunities to maximize your recovery and get the most out of it. Helping people recover from a stroke is a passion of mine. I love seeing the grit that people have. The determination to keep going when the going gets tough. The drive behind people who want more out of life than to sit and waste away because they don’t know HOW to get what they want out of their recovery.

Ready to schedule your free consultation? Contact us today!

My experience as a Certified Stroke Rehab Specialist (CSRS) has led me to help people work on things ranging from tying their shoes or buttoning buttons to returning to driving. There’s no goal too simple; no goal too lofty. If you want to work with a therapist who cares; a therapist who understands; a therapist who goes out of their way to help those they’re working with, please call today for a free consultation to see if we’re a good fit together. I’m sure we will be.

And I’m looking forward to working with you! Call today for your free consultation or to set up your appointment to get you on your pathway to recovery.

Contact us today to see up your free consultation!

What Others Have Said

“We’ve always appreciated [Devin’s] way of actually listening to what we have to say and not just talking at us. He really listens and cares about what you’re telling him.”
Bill and Jean F.
“I didn’t think I would ever be able to drive again, but [Devin] helped me get back to driving. I felt like I gained a big piece of independence back after he helped me with that.”
Tommy C.
“I was ‘too young’ to have a stroke, so when I did I thought I would never be able to do anything I loved. With [Devin’s] help I’ve been able to get back to playing the guitar. Thank you!”
Mark M.
“Devin was easy to work with and helpful every step of the way. I’m glad I got to work with him after my stroke.”
Jeanne G.
“Therapy is never fun, unless you get to work with Devin. He takes the stress of it away and helps you stay positive with the work you have to do.”
Mary L.
“Devin was encouraging and helpful throughout this frustrating process.”
James C.

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